Department of Physics


II scientific-practical conference “Non-destructive testing and monitoring of technical condition”

 Lecturer of the Department of Physics Assoc. Meshkov SM took part in the II scientific-practical conference “Non-destructive testing and monitoring of technical condition” with the following topics:

research and development in the field of non-destructive testing (NC) and technical condition monitoring; application of NC methods: radiation, ultrasonic, magnetic, eddy current, capillary, thermal, visual-optical, electrical, tightness control and other methods in industry;

technical diagnostics and monitoring of the technical condition of high-risk objects by NC methods; new defectoscopic materials and equipment;

acoustic emission and vibration control;

analysis of the stress-strain state of welded metal structures;

conformity assessment and standardization in NC;

NC in the energy sector; NC in the oil and gas industry;

NC on transport.