Address: Ukraine, 61166, Kharkiv, Nauki av., 14, tel. +380577021345
E-mail: antonina.rybalka@nure.ua
1969 – physicist, Kharkov State University, Department of Physics, specialty – optics.
1972 – Graduate School, Department of Physical Optics, Kharkov State University 1978 – Ph.D. (Cand. Sc (Physics and Mathematics),
1987 – Assistant of the Department of Physics KNURE
1992 – Associate Professor of Physics KNURE
Educational work
Lecture course on “Physics” for students majoring in “ Systems of Technical Information Security” , “Applied Mathematics” and “Radio Engineering”
Scientific work
Her research interests include experimental studies using electro-optical systems
Publications and patents
She has more than 40 scientific articles. In co-written many textbooks for students, applicants and participants of training courses.
Major publications:
- Загальна фізика з прикладами і задачами. Частина 3, т.1. Оптика: навч. посібник / І.М. Кібець та ін. – Х.:Компанія СМІТ, 2012. – 232с
- Загальна фізика з прикладами і задачами. Частина 3, т.2. Квантова та атомна фізика. Фізика твердого тіла. Ядерна фізика: навч. посібник / І.М.Кібець та ін. –Х.:Компанія СМІТ, 2013.-304с.
- 2002 задачи по физикеА.И.Рыбалка, И.Н.Кибец, И.О.Шкляревский./ . Харьков: «Фолио», 2003, 783 с.
- Краткий курс физики: учебн. пособие/ И.Н. Кибец, Е.Н. Коваленко, А.И. Рыбалка, В.А. Стороженко–Харьков: «Компания СМИТ», 2015-330с.
- «Спосіб сегментації ембріонів» Патент України на корисну модель № 3024/34/17 опубл. 6.06.2017, №120471.2017 Біол. №21
- «Пристрій для бісекції ембріонів» заявка на винахід (корисна модель) номер U2019 01249 від 08.05.2019. 11108/зу/19
- Kovalenko S. Megel Y., Rybalka A., Kalimanova I., Lysychenko M. Assessment of the effectiveness jf laser-acoustic transformation. // XXIX International Scientific Symposium “Metrology and Metrology Assurance – 2019” (MMA) Sosopol, Bulgaria, 6-10 september, 2019. – p. 286–
- Rybalka А. І, Megel Y.E., Rudenko O.G., Bezsonov O.O. Cattle breed identification and live weight evaluation the basis of machine learning and computer vision , // Third International Workshop on Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems (CMIS-2020), held in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,in April-May, 2020, р 46 – 61.
- Megel, Y., Rybalka A.,Mikhnova, O., Kovalenko, S., …Chalyi, I., Blagov, I. Measuring multimedia content proximity via artificial intelligence methods. 30th International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology Assurance, MMA 2020, Sosopol, Bulgaria, 367-377
Awards and Prizes
Twice won the title of “KNURE – the best in the profession”, in 2003 she was awarded the diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science for many years of hard work, personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists, productive scientific and pedagogical activity.
Other information
Born June 15, 1946
Hobbies: She enjoys the theater, visit museums and exhibitions. Takes tours of the beautiful cities of Ukraine and abroad. Received numerous prizes at the exhibitions of creative works (photography) at the university