Department of Physics


Textbooks and guidelines

Textbooks and guidelines


Dear students, from the links provided you can download the corresponding part of the physics textbook.

Part 1

Загальна фізика з прикладами та задачами 1 частина (2)

Part 2

Загальна фізика з прикладами та задачами 2 частина (4)

Part 3_1

Загальна фізика з прикладами і задачами 3_1 частина (3)

Part 3_2

Загальна фізика з прикладами та задачами 3_2 частина (1)


Аrchive of computer laboratory works:


Dear students, from these links you can download guidelines for laboratory practice and practical exercises.

Пз_2ч , Пз_1ч ,  Лб_3ч ,  Лб_2ч ,  Лб_1ч.


Only 6 items.


METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS for correspondence courses.

Dear students, correspondence courses, you can download methodological guidelines for work in the semester using these links. In two parts.

zaoch_1part, zaoch_2part.


International tournament of physicists – preparatory meeting

Dear students wishing to take part in the international tournament of physicists can take part in a preparatory consultation (meeting) with the curator of preparation for the tournament Assoc. Kalinin VV on Fridays at 15-00 at the link: